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22 August 2017

What is Ulnar Styloid Impaction Syndrome?

When the styloid of the ulnar bone is too long, it can press against the bones of the wrist. This can cause pain and discomfort, and will need to be treated to ensure that wrist pain does not persist or even become unbearable. Read on to learn more about the condition and possible treatments.

22 August 2017

What is a UCL Injury?

The ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) isn't a part of the body we often think about, but it plays an integral part in our daily lives. This ligament joins our thumb to our hand, so is responsible for gripping and executing precise and reliable hand movement. If you're experiencing bruising, pain or swelling in your thumb after a fall, it could well be that you are experiencing a UCL injury. Read on to find out more about this injury, and how we can help here at Wrist Supports.

22 August 2017

What are Wrist Overuse Injuries?

Do you experience pain and discomfort when you undergo your regular day-to-day activities? Are you finding it hard to perform your signature tennis serve or golf swing? It could well be that you are suffering from one of many wrist overuse injuries, which can really get in the way of living your life. Here at Wrist Supports, we have put together a small guide on the most common wrist overuse injuries - read on to find out more.

22 August 2017  |  Eugene

What is a Stener Lesion?

Our wrists are important, but without our thumbs they aren't very effective. The thumb helps us with gripping and manipulating objects, along with most other things our hands can do. Learn about Stener Lesions, a complication of some thumb injuries, at WristSupports.co.uk.

22 August 2017  |  Eugene

What is a Wrist Fracture?

The wrist is made up of a complex network of interconnected bones and ligaments, allowing us a near endless range of motions in our hands and forearms. When this area becomes damaged, the diagnosis can sometimes be tricky, as there are a multitude of different ways the wrist can be injured. At WristSupports.co.uk, we've compiled a quick guide to a common wrist injury: the Wrist Fracture.

22 August 2017

What are Soft Tissue Injuries?

Do you frequently suffer from sprains, strains, bursitis or tendonitis in a particular area of your body? All four of these conditions are examples of soft tissue injuries and are caused by trauma or overuse. Here at Wrist Supports, we've created a guide to help you learn about soft tissue injuries, including how to prevent them. Click here to read more.

21 August 2017

What Is Hypertonicity?

When there is an excess of muscle tone during rest or while sitting, this can result in hypertonicity. This hypertonia can affect the wrist, and may be caused by a number of contributing factors. Read on to find out more about the causes, symptoms, and possible treatments for hypertonicity of the wrist.

21 August 2017

What Is Instability of the CMC Joint?

When suffering from pain and discomfort caused by instability of the CMC joint, performing daily activities and enjoying hobbies can become unbearable. To enable you to better understand your condition, we've compiled a concise guide to the causes and symptoms of CMC joint instability, as well as the possible approaches to pain relief and treatments to help you on your way to recovery.

21 August 2017

What is Degenerative Wrist Irritation?

We constantly rely on our wrists to help us get along with our day. As they are subject to constant use whenever we move our hands, it is inevitable that they will degenerate over time, and this can manifest as degenerative wrist irritation. Read on to find out more about the condition, how to recognise the symptoms, and what treatment options are available.

21 August 2017

What is Tenosynovitis?

Tenosynovitis is a painful condition in itself but if left untreated it can cause your tendons to narrow abnormally. This leads to further pain and discomfort. Our team at Wrist Supports have put together a guide to help you learn exactly what you need to know so you can treat the condition and don't have to worry any longer.

21 August 2017

What is Perilunate Dislocation?

If you've never heard of a perilunate dislocation, you wouldn't be alone, as this type of injury only accounts for less than 10% of all wrist injuries. Although uncommon, it is a pretty serious wrist injury, and is not helped by the fact that it is often misdiagnosed due to its infrequency and subtle imagery on x-rays and scans. Here at Wrist Supports, we've put together a simple guide to understanding this injury. Read on to find out more.

21 August 2017  |  Eugene

What is a Scapholunate Tear?

Athletes and active people tend to be at a higher risk of tears, fractures and other injuries in their body, and even in an area as small as the wrist there are a multitude of possible injuries. Here at WristSupports.co.uk, we've compiled a helpful guide to one of the most common sports injuries: the Scapholunate Tear.

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