23 August 2017 
Pain in your wrist can be a sign of a number of different conditions, but if this pain is accompanied by loss of wrist strength and a clicking noise when you move your wrist, you might have a torn TFCC. Here at Wrist Supports, our team have put together a guide to help you understand the condition properly. |
23 August 2017 | Eugene 
A wrist dislocation can be extremely painful, so it's important to diagnose it correctly and take the appropriate action. Learn about Medial Subluxation, a type of partial wrist dislocation, as well as its symptoms and treatments, at WristSupports.co.uk. |
23 August 2017 
Complex instabilities are instabilities that occur in your wrist as a result of injury to the ligaments binding your carpal bones together. As this group of conditions can be misdiagnosed, you might have to suffer for months before the true source of the pain is revealed. At Wrist Supports, we've created a guide outlining all you need to know about the condition so you don't have to suffer any longer. |
23 August 2017 
Suffering from a paresis of the forearm can be scary, particularly if you don't know what it is or how to treat it. At Wrist Supports, we've created a guide to help you understand the condition and what you can do to treat it. |
23 August 2017 
Osteoarthritis at the base of the thumb is known as CMC joint arthrosis. Although it is quite a common condition, it can often range in severity. Read on to find out what causes CMC joint arthrosis, how to recognise it, and what treatments can help you better manage the condition. |
22 August 2017 
When the muscles in the wrist remain stiff and constantly contract, this can result in muscle spasms. These involuntary movements are defined as spasticity, and here at WristSupports.co.uk, we've compiled this concise guide to mild spasticity to help you learn more about the conditions, and the related symptoms and treatments. |
22 August 2017 
If the wrist joint appears swollen and inflamed, it is possible that joint effusion has occurred. This is when there is an increase in the amount of fluid in or around the joint, resulting in swelling around the joint. Read on to find out the causes, symptoms, and possible treatments associated with joint effusion. |
22 August 2017 | Eugene 
Writing, typing, clicking a mouse and other repetitive tasks can do damage to our hands over time, causing a whole host of different conditions and symptoms. Tendovaginitis is one of these common ailments, and we at WristSupports.co.uk have compiled a handy guide to help you catch it before it gets any worse. |
22 August 2017 
Oedema is when excess fluid accumulates in your body and causes tissue to swell. Although swelling usually goes down naturally, if it doesn't the condition could be a symptom of something more serious. At Wrist Supports, we've put together a comprehensive guide so you can learn more about how to treat the condition. |
22 August 2017 
The wrist's structure is complex, especially when compared to its relatively small size. As such, it's all too easy to damage the area. Scapholunate instability is a painful condition and is the most common form of carpal instability. Here at Wrist Supports, we've created a guide so you know exactly what to do if you suffer from the condition. Click here to find out more. |
22 August 2017 
Do you suffer from pain in your joints? If you do, you might assume you have arthritis. However, this could in fact be arthralgia. At Wrist Supports, we've put together a guide on arthralgia so you know how best to treat the condition. Read on to find out more! |
22 August 2017 
Probably one of the most common wrist conditions, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) affects over a third of us during one point in our lives. Described as a tingling, numbness or ache in our fingers and hands, CTS is brought on by doing activities that frequently require bending the wrist, and pain can be known to worsen at night. To get you clued up about the effects of CTS and how you can battle it, here at Wrist Supports we have put together a guide detailing all you need to know. |